Rex Art has provided the following index as a color guide to assist you in choosing color. The index shows the color common name, index name, vehicle compatibility and various alternate names used across different lines of paint.
The Color Index Name is a type of international shorthand for identifying colors. The name consists of the following parts:
- The category and type of dye or pigment
- General hue
- Assigned number
An example would be Cobalt Blue (PB 28):
- Pigment - as opposed to a dye
- Blue
- 28
Color Index Name abbreviations are:
Natural Red | NR | Pigment Blue | PB | |
Pigment Black | PBk | Pigment Brown | PBr | |
Pigment Green | PG | Pigment Orange | PO | |
Pigment Violet | PV | Pigment White | PW | |
Pigment Yellow | PY |
Lightfastness (LF) ratings:
1 - Excellent Lightfastness
2 - Very Good Lightfastness
3 - Not Sufficiently Lightfast
Colors and their Index Names
Different colors will sometimes have the same Index Name. Each color is a modification due to variances in cooking processes, various impurities found at different pigment sites, or various chemical additions that modify the original pigment.
Select a letter to go to that color group.
Common Name |
LF |
Index Name | Vehicle Compatibility | Alternate Names |
Alizarin Brown | 3 | variation of PR 83 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Brown madder, Madder brown |
Alizarin Crimson | 3 | PR 83 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Alizarin Lake, Red Scarlet |
Alizarin Lake, Red Scarlet | 3 | PR 83 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Alizarin crimson |
Anthrapyrimidine Yellow | 1 | PY 108 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Antimony Yellow | 1 | PY 41 | Oil, alkyd, encaustic | Naples Yellow, Lead Antimoniate |
Antwerp Red | 1 | PR 102 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Light Red |
Armenian Bole | 1 | PR 102 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Natural red iron oxide |
Artificial Ultramarine | 1 | PB 29 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Ultramarine |
Aureolin | 2 | PY 40 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, encaustic | Cobalt Yellow |
Avignon Orange | 1 | PR 206 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Quinacridone |
Azurite | see cobalt | |||
Benzimidazolone Oranges | 1 | PO 36, PO 60, PO62 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Benzimidazolone Yellows | 1 | PY 151, PY 154, PY 156, PY 175 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | |
Berlin Blue | 1 | PB 27 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel | Prussian blue, Paris blue, Milori blue, Chinese blue |
Bitumen | Asphaltum | |||
Black Lead | Graphite | |||
Black Oxide of Iron | 1 | PBk 11 | Oil, alkyd, acrylics, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Mars Black |
Bleu Celeste | 1 | PB 35 | Oil, alkyd, acrylics, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Cerulean Blue |
Blue Malachite | see cobalt | Azurite | ||
Bone Black | 1 | PBk 9 | Oil, alkyd, acrylics, tempera, pastel, encaustic | Ivory Black |
Brilliant Yellow (Jaune Brilliant) | 1 | PY 41 | Oil, alkyd, encaustic | Naples yellow |
Bronze Blue | 1 | PB 27 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel | Prussian Blue |
Burgundy Violet | 1 | PV 16 | Oil, alkyd, acrylics, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Manganese violet |
Burnt Ochre | 1 | PR 102 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Calcined red iron oxide |
Burnt Sienna | 1 | PBr 7 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Burnt sienna, Italian earth, brown iron oxide |
Burnt Umber | 1 | PBr 7 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Italian earth |
Cadmium Green | 1 | PY 35 + PG 7 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, fresco, encaustic | |
Cadmium Orange | 1 | PO 20, PO 23 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, fresco, encaustic | |
Cadmium Red | 1 | PR 108, PR 113 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, fresco, encaustic | |
Cadmium Red Orange | 1 | PR 108 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Cadmium Yellow (light, lemon, medium, deep) | 1 | PY 35, PY37 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, fresco, encaustic | |
Caput Mortuum | 1 | PR 101 | Oil, alkyd, acrylics, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Mars Violet, English red, Indian red, Venetian red, Mars red |
Carbon Black | 1 | PBk 7 | Oil, alkyd, acrylics, tempera, pastel, encaustic | Carbon Black, Furnace Black |
Carmine | 3 | fugitive color - PR 83 | Oil, alkyd | |
Casali's Green | 1 | PG 18 | Oil, alkyd, acrylics, tempera, pastel, encaustic | Viridian, Guignet's green |
Cassel Earth | 3 | not-permanent | Oil, alkyd, acrylics, tempera, pastel, encaustic | |
Cassel Green | 1 | variation of PB 33 | Oil, alkyd, acrylics, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Manganese green |
Celadon Green | 1 | PG 23 | Oil, alkyd, acrylics, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Green Earth. Bohemian, Cyprian, Verona and Tyrolen greens |
Cerulean Blue | 1 | PB 35 | Oil, alkyd, acrylics, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Corruleum Blue |
Ceruse | 1 | PW 1 | Oil, alkyd, acrylics, tempera, pastel, encaustic | Obsolete name for Lead White. |
Chestnut Brown | 1 | PBr 7 | Oil, alkyd, acrylics, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Raw Umber |
Chinese Blue | 1 | PB 27 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel | Variation of Prussian Blue |
Chinese Vermilion | 1 | PR 106 | Oil, alkyd, acrylics | Vermilion, Cinnabar |
Chinese White | 1 | PW 4 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel | Zinc White, Permanent white |
Chrome Orange, Red, Yellow | Replaced by Cadmiums | |||
Chromium Oxide Green | 1 | PG 17 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel | Oxide of Chromium |
Cobalt Blue | 1 | PB 28 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel | Thenard's blue |
Cobalt Green | 1 | PG 50 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel | |
Cobalt Teal | 1 | PG 50 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Light green oxide |
Cobalt Titanate Green | 1 | PG 50 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Cobalt Turquois | 1 | PB 36 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Cobalt Ultramarine | 1 | PB 28 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel | Gahn's blue |
Cobalt Violet | 1 | PV 14 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel | Cobalt violet phosphate |
Cobalt Yellow | 2 | PY 40 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel | Aureolin |
Coelin | 1 | PB 35 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel | Cerulean blue |
Cremnitz White | 1 | PW 1 | Oil, alkyd, | Flake white, Lead white, Silver white |
Crimson Lake | 1 | PR 122, PR 206 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Quinacridone |
Cupric Green | 1 | PG 36 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, fresco, encaustic | Brominated Phthalocyanine |
Davy's Gray | Powdered slate | Oil, alkyd, acrylics, tempera, pastel, encaustic | ||
Diarylide Yellow | 1 | PY 83 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Diazo yellow |
Dioxazoine Purple | 2 | PV 23 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Dioxazoine Purple, carbazole violet |
Dutch White | 1 | PW 1 | Oil, alkyd | Flake white, Lead white, Cremnitz white |
Emerald Chromium Oxide | 1 | PG 18 | Oil, alkyd, acrylics, tempera, pastel, encaustic | Viridian green |
Emerald Green | 3 | Copper aceto-arsenate | not - permanent | Schweinfurt green, Scheele green |
English Vermilion | Genuine Vermilion made in England | |||
Euchrome | 1 | PBr 7 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Burnt Umber |
Faience Blue | 1 | PB 60 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, fresco, encaustic | Indanthrone blue |
Flake White | 1 | PW 1 | Oil, Alkyd | Cremnitz white, Lead white, Silver white |
Flavanthrone Yellow | 1 | PY 112 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | |
French Blue | 1 | PB 29 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Artificial Ultramarine |
Gamboge | Watercolor | yellow gum from Thailand. Not true pigment color | ||
Garnet Lake | 1 | PR 88 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Thioindigold |
Chromium Oxide Green | 1 | PG 17 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, fresco, encaustic | Chrome Oxide Green |
Golden Lake | PV 49 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Quinacridone | |
Golden Ochre | 1 | PY 43 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | variety of Yellow ochre |
Green Earth | 1 | PG 23 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | |
Green Gold | 1 | PG 10 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Nickel azo yellow, green gold |
Guignet's Green | 1 | PG 18 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Viridian |
Gulf Red | 1 | PR 102 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Old term for natural red iron oxide |
Hansa Yellows | 2,2,1,1,1,2 | PY1, PY 3, PY 65, PY 73, PY 74, PY 98 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Arylide yellow, brilliant yellow, monoazo |
Hooker's Green | 3 | PG 8 | Acrylics, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | |
Indanthrone Blue | 1 | PB 60 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Anthraquinone blue |
Indian Red | 1 | PR 101 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | English red, Venetian red, Mars red, Mars violet |
Indigo | not-permanent | |||
Iron Blue | 1 | PB 27 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel. | Prussian blue, Paris blue, Milori blue, Chinese blue |
Iron Yellow | 1 | PY 42 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Mars yellow |
Isoindoline Yellow | 1 | PY 139 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel | |
Italian Earth | 1 | PBr 7 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco | Burnt Sienna, natural brown iron oxide |
Ivory Black | 1 | PBk 9 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, tempera, encaustic, pastel. | Bone black |
Jaune Brilliant | 1 | PY 41 | Oil, alkyd, encaustic | Naples Yellow |
King's Blue | 1 | PB 28 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic, fresco | Cobalt Blue |
Krems White | 1 | PW 1 | Oil, alkyd | Cremnitz white, Flake white |
Lampblack | 1 | PBk 6 | Oil, alkyd, gouache, tempera, encaustic, pastel. | Carbon black, Vegetable black |
Lapis Lazuli - originally crushed semiprecious stone | replaced by PB 29 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Ultramarine | |
Lemon Yellow | 1 | PY 35 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel. | Barium Yellow |
Leyden Blue | 1 | PB 28 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel. | variety of cobalt blue |
Light Red | 1 | PR 102 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Litharge | Lead monoxide | Obsolete as a paint pigment used as a drier in varnish cooking | ||
Madder Brown | 3 | PR 83 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Brown Madder ( Alizarin) |
Madder Lake | NR 9 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Rose Madder | |
Malachite | Native basic carbonate of copper | Not reliable | ||
Manganese Blue | 1 | PB 33 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Manganese Violet | 1 | PV 16 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, casein, pastel, encaustic | |
Mars Black | 1 | PBk 11 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, fresco, encaustic | Synthetic Iron Oxide |
Mars Brown | 1 | PBk 11+ PR 101 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Mars Orange | 1 | PY 42 + PR 101 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Synthetic Iron Oxide |
Mars Red | 1 | PR 101 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Synthetic Iron Oxide |
Mars Yellow | 1 | PR 42 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Synthetic Iron Oxide |
Mars Violet | 1 | PR 101 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Synthetic Iron Oxide |
Milori Blue | 1 | PB 27 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel | Prussian blue |
Mineral Blue | 1 | PB 33 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Azurite, Antwerp blue and Manganese blue |
Mineral Brown | 1 | PBr 7 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Burnt Umber |
Mineral Green | 1 | PBk 11, PBr 6, PR 101, PY 42 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Malachite, Bremen Green |
Mineral Violet | 1 | PV 15, PV 16 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Ultramarine violet, Manganese violet |
Minium | Red Lead | |||
Mittler's Green | PG 18 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | a variety of Viridian | |
Montpelier Green | Verdigris | |||
Munich Lake | Carmine - fugitive | Oil, Alkyd | Carmine | |
Naphthol Reds | 2,1,2,2,2,1,2,1 | PR 5, PR 7, PR 9, PR 14, PR112, PR119, PR 170, PR 188 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Naples Yellow (real) | 1 | PY 41 | Oil, alkyd, encaustic | Antimony yellow |
Naples Yellow Light (hue) | 1 | PY 97 + PW 4 + PY 42 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Naples Yellow Reddish (hue) | 1 | PO 43 + PW 4 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Naples Yellow Deep (hue) | 1 | PY 42 + PW 4 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Nickel Azo Yellow | 1 | PY 150 | Oil, alkyd, pastel, encaustic | Green Gold (PG 10) |
Nickel Dioxine Yellow | 1 | PY 153 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | |
Nickel Titanate Yellow | 1 | PY 53 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Ochre | 1 | PY 43 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Yellow Ochre |
Olive Green | Mixture | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | ||
Orange Lake | 1 | PO 43 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Orient Yellow | 1 | PY 37 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | variety of Deep Cadmium Yellow |
Pannetier's Green | 1 | PG 18 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Viridian |
Paris Blue | 1 | PB 27 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel | Prussian Blue |
Payne's Gray | 1 | Mixture PB 29 + PBk 11 + PY 43 | Oils, Alkyds, Watercolor | |
Perinone Orange | 1 | PO 43 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Permalba | 1 | Mixed white trade name | Oil | |
Permanent Red | 2 | PR 9, PR 112 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Naphthol Red |
Permanent Violet | 1 | PV 16 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Manganese violet |
Persian Gulf Oxide | 1 | PR 102 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Red Oxide |
Perylene Maroon | 1 | PR 179 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Phthalocyanine Blue | 1 | PB 15, PB 16 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Phthalocyanine Green | 1 | PG 7, PG 36 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Plumbago | Graphite | |||
Pompeian Red | 1 | PR 102 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Red Oxide |
Pozzuoli Blue | Egyptian Blue | |||
Pozzuoli Red | Red Oxide | |||
Primary Blue | 1 | PB 15:3 | ||
Primary Red - Magenta | 1 | PV 19 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Quinacridone |
Primary Yellow | 1 | PY 97 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Arylide Yellow |
Prussian Blue | 1 | PB 27 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel | |
Prussian Green | Brunswick green | |||
Quinacridone colors | 1 | PO 48, PO 49, PR 122, PR 192, PR 297, PR 209, PV 19 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Raw Sienna | 1 | PBr 7 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Raw Umber | 1 | PBr 7 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Red Ochre | 1 | PR 102 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Natural Red Iron Oxide |
Red Oxide | 1 | PR 101 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Synthetic Red Iron Oxide |
Rose Lake | 1 | PV 19 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Quinacridone |
Rose Madder | weak variety of NR 9 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | ||
Sap Green (permanent) | 1 | PG 17 + PY 42 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Real Sap Green is fugitive |
Sandal Red | PR 254 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Pyrrole-Pyrrole | |
Scarlet Vermillion | 1 | PR 106 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Silver White | 1 | PW1 or PW 4 | nonstandard term used for both flake white and zinc white | |
Terra Rosa | 1 | PR 101 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Venetian Red |
Terre Verte | 1 | PG 23 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Green Earth |
Thalo Blue and Green | 1 | PB15 , PB7 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | American Proprietary name for the Phthalocyanine colors |
Thalo Red Rose | 1 | PR 192 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | American proprietary name for Quinacridone red |
Titanium Dioxide | 1 | PW 6 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Titanium White |
Tiziano Red | PR 209 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Quinacridone | |
Transparent Gold Ochre | 1 | PY 43 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Yellow Ochre |
Transparent Oxide of Chromium | 1 | PG 18 | Oil, alkyd, tempera, pastel, encaustic | Viridian |
Transparent Mars Brown | 1 | PR 101 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Synthetic Iron Oxide |
Turquoise Green | 1 | PB 16 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, fresco, encaustic | |
Ultramarine Blue | 1 | PB 29 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | |
Ultramarine Red or Violet | 1 | PV 15 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Vandyke Brown | Native earth | Not for permanent painting | ||
Venetian Red | 1 | PR 101 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Synthetic Red Iron Oxide |
Verdetta | 1 | PG 23 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Green earth |
Vermilion | 1 | PR 106 | Oil, Alkyd, Acrylic | |
Verona Brown | Calcined variation of PG 23 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | ||
Veronese Green (misnomer) | 1 | PG 23 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | applied to: Verona green, Viridian, Chrome green |
Vert Emeraude | 1 | PG 18 | Oil, alkyd, tempera, pastel, encaustic | Viridian |
Verzino Violet | 1 | PR 122 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Quinacridone |
Violet Lake | 2 | PB 23 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, fresco, encaustic | Dioxazoine |
Violet Ultramarine | 1 | PV 15 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, encaustic | Ultramarine violet |
Viridian | 1 | PG 18 | Oil, alkyd, tempera, pastel, encaustic | |
White Lead | 1 | PW 1 | Oil, Alkyd | Flake White, Lead White, Cremnitz white... |
Winsor Blue | 1 | PB 15 , PB 16 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Proprietary Winsor and Newton name for Phthalocyanine Blue |
Yellow Ochre | 1 | PY 43 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | |
Yellow Oxide of Iron | 1 | PY 42 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Mars Yellow |
Zinc White | 1 | PW 4 | Oil, alkyd, watercolor, gouache, tempera, casein, pastel, fresco, encaustic | Zinc Oxide |
Zinc Yellow | Obsolete, poisonous |
The following sites are also a useful reference for colors and their chemical make up:
Society of
Dyers and Colourist
The above information is provided as a reference only and is not warranted for accuracy.
- Green art supply product
- Drop Ship - Item is shipped from manufacturer
- Oversized - Additional shipping may apply
- Item Ships via Truck - Additional shipping will apply
*Free Shipping Offer valid for single package non-oversized shipments over $100.00 (after all applicable coupons have been applied) and under 20 lbs. within the 48 contiguous United States only. All other areas must pay shipping and handling charges. Exclusions apply. Orders for stretcher bars, cradled wood panels, stretched canvas, flammable items, closeout or discontinued merchandise cannot qualify for our free shipping promotion. We reserve the right to ship via the carrier of our choice.
Copyright © 1997 - 2025 by Rex Art Co. All rights reserved. Prices shown are in U.S. Dollars. Prices are subject to change.