Hello World!
Welcome to Rex Art’s official blog! I know it’s a bit overdue, but hey, we are busy here fulfilling all your creative supply needs! I admit we have been a bit remiss in our duties to keep up with the 21st century technology, and the blogosphere explosion. However, since we are exclusively a web provider of a vast selection of creative materials we felt that it was important to implement a blog for all our fans, customers, and general population that are interested in what we do around here.
On our blog you can expect to see posts on all sorts of topics of interest. We will post information on products, new items, stories about our customers, current specials, and a host of other oddities that might be somewhat applicable. We hope that you will also contribute with your feedback about topics that you feel others in the community would find useful as well.
Interestingly enough, probably one of the most requested topics we often get asked about is our office dog, Lucy. As a bit of background information, yes, we do have a dog in the office, and she roams mostly freely, especially when everyone is eating their lunch. Katrina and Lisa, spotted her on the camera at the back door of our office in January 2007. We invited her in for cookie, and she gave us the sad eyes! We searched and searched for signs that her owner was looking for her, and we took her to the vet to see if she had a chip, but it was all to no avail. After about one month of looking for her owners we pretty much came to the conclusion that she was abandoned. Honestly, after keeping her for a couple days it would have been hard to return her to her owners. She is a real blessing, and needless to say, we have had a dog ever since! So, if you call in and hear a doggie in the background that is our Lucy. Sometimes Marshall, will also bring in his Lab, Bianca, or BB as we often refer to her. Who knows maybe you will hear two doggies! Here are a couple of updated pictures for all the Lucy fans out there:

We sincerely hope that you will find our blog useful, and join the conversation by posting your comments and thoughts. We will do our best to respond in a reasonable time. Thank you for checking out our blog! Till next time…