- Silver Brush Ruby Satin Short Handled Brushes
- Silver Brush Silver Mop Brushes
- Silver Brush Silverwhite Short Handled Brushes
- Silver Brush Sterling Studio Short Handled Brushes
- Silver Brush Ultra Mini Golden Taklon Brushes
Each of these unique series of brushes have a particular application, and should make an excellent addition to anyone’s collection of brushes.
Silver Brush Ruby Satin Short Handled Brushes offers the control and feel of interlocked bristle, with more durability than natural hair. Ruby Satin brushes come in a wide variety of shapes for artists working in every medium. Artists can use Ruby Satin on rugged textured surfaces. Paint with confidence on wood, canvas, or tough fabrics like sweats, jeans or heavy cotton. With precise snap and fine control, Ruby Satin is a great alternative to more expensive natural hair. Ruby Satin offers superb color control with heavy body, tube, or jar acrylics, oils, gouache, encaustic or casein. Perfect for blending, double loading, layering and stroke work.

Silver Brush Silver Mop Brushes are made with ultra soft white and black goat hair and are ideal for color blending with oils or acrylics, or for background and sky washes in watercolors. Silver Brush black goat hair mops are artist favorites for dusting; used by conservators, ceramists and artists. These quality mops are the among the finest available.

Silver Brush Silverwhite Short Handled Brushes are Soft white synthetic brushes manufactured with three different diameter selected and blended tapered white taklon filaments to hold sharp flat edges and fine round needle points. The spring and color capacity duplicates the finest natural hair, at a fraction of the price. These multi-purpose brushes are suitable for water base media including acrylics, watercolor, gouache, inks, dyes & tempera. Silverwhite, fitted with short, polished, white tipped silver handles and seamless nickel ferrules are made in a broad family of sizes and shapes. They offer extraordinary value for crafters, watercolor and decorative artists, students, and hobbyists.

Silver Brush Sterling Studio Short Handled Brushes are Soft white synthetic brushes manufactured with three different diameter selected and blended tapered white taklon filaments to hold sharp flat edges and fine round needle points. The spring and color capacity duplicates the finest natural hair, at a fraction of the price. These multi-purpose brushes are suitable for water base media including acrylics, watercolor, gouache, inks, dyes & tempera.

Lastly, the Silver Brush Ultra Mini Golden Taklon Brushes are like precision jewels. These detail brushes are made with the artist in mind. They feature short handles with the Comfort Grip® design and compact ultra fine heads, making them perfect for tight work spaces. The Golden Taklon synthetic filament offers superb control with acrylics, gouache, watercolor, inks, enamels or oils. Artists can paint all day in complete control, without cramped fingers from tiny handles. Ultra Mini brushes are ideal for decorative painting, models, doll houses, miniature painting, decorative miniature birds and wildfowl art. Choose from twelve sizes and shapes. Precise filament golden Taklon hair is set into seamless nickel plated brass ferrules and mounted on iridescent pearl white Comfort Grip® handles.
We would love for you to give some of these new Silver Brushes a try, and please let us know what you think by posting your comments here or adding a review on the individual brush page. As an added bonus we are offering an additional 10% savings coupon on any open stock Silver Brushes from now until August 31. So try them out and save 46% off with the coupon! As always our family thanks you for supporting Rex Art! We hope you and your family have a wonderful and safe July 4th!
Coupon Code: 1246476486 – Good Till August 31.
Save an EXTRA 10% OFF Open Stock Silver Brush Brushes from Rex Art!